Friday, January 13, 2012

Personal OC's

Back in early high school years, during my anime goon days. Attempted my own manga-- oh the lawls.
Dated back to 2009 with pencil.

Retracing Steps

I spent the night today, scavenging for things untouched and stumbled upon my personal high school scrapbook. I've kept it for quite some time now. Naw, just two years, but one forgets quite a lot in two little years. I left myself a message and it was uplifting. I felt as if I've went back in time and shook my own hand. I forgot this side of myself seeing as, we're all growing up so fast now. I'm forgetting where I've been brought up. I'm forgetting myself as a more ambitious me-- dreaming without fear and this played as a wake up call.

I've been so glum, lately and I can't figure out why, but maybe it's not because I'm sad. Maybe it's the fact that I've stop living. I've stop drawing and singing (badly to myself) and eating all I want and just painting for the heck of it. Or just-- not being so darn harsh on myself. To just be, do the things I wanna do and live.

My own words of wisdom for myself-- a positive reminder,
"Although time never stops, trivial collections such as these will forever live on as past reminders. Thus meaning... I must continue my path and strive forward for a bright and better future."
Myself, LQHS Senior, 2010.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Quick Update

Shitty shit, shit.

Top Left: Added more stickers to my journal.
Top Right: This is old. Dated back to 2010 with PILOT Gold Marker, SHARPIE (Black), & acrylic paint.
Middle Left: Reckless abandonment. Dated back to Dec. 25, 2011 with TUL 0.3MM (Black), SHARPIE Accent Highlighter (Orange & Pink), PILOT G-2 (Red, Blue, & Green), & PILOT Precise V5 (Red).
Middle Right
: Documenting my supplies for gift wrapping.
Bottom Left: Film canister art. I misspelled the word film, I know. Dated back to Dec. 25, 2011 with TUL 0.3MM (Black), SHARPIE Accent Highlighter (Pink), & STAEDTLER triplus fineliner.
Bottom Right
: Francois. Yeah he's ugly and creepy. Dated back to Dec. 2011 with PILOT Precise V5 (Blue) & TUL 0.3MM (Black).